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Historic information
Tibidabo is one of the city’s main sightseeing landmarks. It isn’t just a leisure attraction; it also provides a privileged viewing point over Barcelona in a matchless landscape: the Collserola Ridge.
The Tibidabo Amusement Park dates back to the late 19th century and was an initiative of Dr Salvador Andreu, who was famous for his eponymous cough sweets. In the early 20th century, he was instrumental in the development of the Avinguda del Tibidabo, which became a smart residential area for the moneyed classes and featured modernista-style palazzos and mansions. The project culminated in the launch of a tramway, the Tramvia Blau, in 1901, which connects the Avinguda del Tibidabo with the lower funicular station and has become an iconic means of transport. The funicular covers the final stretch of the journey to the amusement park at the top.
One of the characteristic landmarks of the Tibidabo complex is the church, the Temple Expiatori del Sagrat Cor, which reminds us of the religious etymology of the name Tibidabo. “Tibidabo” derives from two Latin words, “tibi” and “dabo”, meaning “I give to you”, taken from a passage in the Gospel According to Saint Matthew about the third temptation of Christ by Satan in the desert: “All these I will give to you if you prostrate yourself in homage before me”. The church was built between 1902 and 1961, following the project designed by the architect Enric Sagnier. The original chapel next to the church still survives and stands on the highest point of the mountain. From here you can enjoy some of the finest views of the city, washed by the waters of the Mediterranean.
In December 2008, a huge new roller coaster opened in the amusement park. Some of the trees in the Collserola forest were cut down to make room for the new ride and this caused a great deal of controversy among the local residents which was widely covered in the media.
In order to know the zone better
Tibidabo is located in a superb natural setting, the Parc de Collserola, which is perfect for hiking. In addition to the amusement park, the other major attraction on Tibidabo is the Telecommunications Tower, located on a part of the hill known as the Pic de la Vilana. The tower was designed by the British architect, Norman Foster, and the Spanish engineers, Julio Martínez Calzón and Manuel Julià Vilardell. It stands 288 metres tall and was opened to broadcast the 1992 Olympic Games around the world. It has become one of the icons of contemporary Barcelona and can be seen from all over the city and the county.

Another unusual building on the side of Tibidabo is the Fabra Observatory, which belongs to the Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona. The observatory, with its distinctive dome, can be seen from all over the city and is involved in astronomical research and the gathering of meteorological data.
Scene description
Vickcy Cristina Barcelona
Tibidabo: Cristina (Scarlett Johansson), Juan Antonio (Javier Bardem), Vicky (Rebecca Hall) and Doug (Chris Messina) visit the amusement park, which is one of the city’s most popular visitor attractions, due to its history and the fact that it boasts magnificent views of the city. A series of shots show some of its landmark rides, including the plane and merry-go-round. The end of the sequence, which shows Juan Antonio and Vicky chatting, gives us the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful vistas of Barcelona from this unique viewing point.
Did you know that...
This sequence was filmed on 27th July and was the first opportunity the media had to photograph Javier Bardem and Scarlett Johansson together. The large media contingent that had gathered agreed that there was a special chemistry and rapport between the couple, and that the same was true of Bardem and Rebecca Hall. Photos from filming on Tibidabo show the couple sharing a cigarette while they wait to shoot the next scene.

Woody Allen often uses amusement parks as locations in his films. These include Manhattan, The Purple Rose of Cairo and Sweet and Lowdown.
The Barcelona of Woody Allen  /  Tibidabo
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