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Els Quatre Gats
Historic information
Els Quatre Gats was a social centre which opened in Barcelona on 12th June 1877, on the ground floor of the Casa Martí, a modernista building designed by the architect Josep Puig i Cadafalch and built in 1896. Until it closed in 1903, it was one of the main places for the dissemination of modernista ideas, and the meeting place for literary gatherings by eminent personalities of the time, including Santiago Rusiñol, Ramon Casas, Pablo Picasso and Miquel Utrillo.
Els Quatre Gats was a literary and pictorial platform which spawned the eponymous literary review first issued in 1899 to give impetus to modernisme in Catalonia, and also staged major exhibitions of paintings and sculptures and even musical entertainments and performances (puppet shows, Chinese shadowplay…).
In order to know the zone better
Els Quatre Gats is located at number 3, Carrer Montsió, very near the Avinguda del Portal de l’Àngel, one of Barcelona’s busiest shopping streets. Other tourist attractions in the vicinity include the archaeological site of the Roman necropolis in the Plaça Vil•la de Madrid, which is managed by the Museu d’Història de la Ciutat, Barcelona Cathedral and the monumental ensemble in the Plaça del Rei. On the corner of the cathedral, at number 10, Carrer Paradís, in the building which is the headquarters of the Ramblers’ Association of Catalonia, you can see the remains of Barcelona’s Roman temple, comprising four columns and a pedestal.
Scene description
Vickcy Cristina Barcelona
Els Quatre Gats: Vicky (Rebecca Hall) and Cristina (Scarlett Johansson) are having dinner in the main dining room of this delightful restaurant. On the table we can see the traditional Catalan speciality pa amb tomàquet – bread rubbed with tomato and drizzled with olive oil – and some glasses of red wine. Juan Antonio (Javier Bardem) is having dinner with some friends in the restaurant. This sequence shows the first meeting between the three of them, when Juan Antonio approaches the girls’ table to suggest they take a trip to Oviedo with him on his private plane.
Did you know that...
The scene was filmed in the main dining room of the restaurant. It shows the interior as it is today, except for the paintings on the wall. The originals, which date from the early 20th century, were replaced by works by contemporary artists, most of them Catalan, such as the Sabadell-born Agustí Puig and Rosa Mujal, who hails from Solsona. The cupboard with glass doors behind the table where Juan Antonio and his friends are sitting is part of the actual décor. Inside, you can see copies of the art and literature magazine Pel i Ploma, which was published in the early 20th century and featured such renowned artists as Casas, Rusiñol, Sorolla, Mir, Torres-Garcia and the young Picasso, when he still signed himself by his other surname, Ruíz.
The Barcelona of Woody Allen  /  Els Quatre Gats
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